Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Skinny Puppy - Tormentor

"walls trapped within yellow eyes
the cutters drooling face
rips apart cuts to the heart

disease shown
let it out

movement crosses crimson light
washes darkened corners
gently forces open wide and lingering awhile
pouring thoughts electric fingers
blinding pressure sockets stream
matter grey the nerve free fall
safely buried out behind a face

let it out

be carefull watching living mask
misshapen tumors ride the pressing
tainted nightmare breeze

mental shock
disturbed thoughts rotting
long lasting reaction
make it stop
stir up the pot
taking away means nothing

distorted moodswing smile
altered music shadow covers
melted honey bitter pie
she utters tasting quite lovely

motion on towards a truthful state
mincing with words align order form to multiply

mental shock
relentless and leaning
compiling the list
alone at the top before
before it was not this way
i did"

Maybe you must be thinking what this lyrics means but i have not an answer for that... This guys are pretty crazy so i don't think this has only one meaning, besides it's a stream of conciousnes style of song. That makes it even more free for interpretation. And that's just what I love about this lyrics. I like to think what they're trying to express and i think i can make a guess nowing some facts of this band.

First, his vocalist Kevin Oglivie it's a well known animal rights supporter. You can see this through almost all of his albums with references to cruelty with animals, along with other ecologist and environmental stands that they express on their music. On the other side, they're an Industrial band so they're very experimental in their way of writing so this it's more like an image or an atmosphere.

So... Getting to the point. I think this song tries to express from a first person view the experience of an animal being subject of experimentation, or maybe a crazy man thinking that he's being tortured. It also sugests something like being electroshocked or receiving some brain therapy, even being mentally tortured. This maybe could be talking of the way someone feels abused in a hi-tech society like ours, with publicity, propaganda, tv, cameras, etc... all invading our lives and disturbing our thoughts. And all this messed up mix one can feel with this song and lyric is what I love. It's like a song version of Piccaso's "Guernica", Human and animal parts, all mixed, only with a more sci-fi vibe. Pretty disturbing maybe, but necessary to express when all music is so friendly in a world that can be pretty twisted.

1 comment:

maria byrne said...

Wow. When I first listened I wasn't sure as the guy seemed a bit scary but I did like the backing industrial sound. After reading what you said about it I like them even more though and i'll try and listen to some more stuff of thiers. Thanks for that!